Written in the Stars Fanfiction of the Year, 2011 |
I'm still thrilled whenever I see one of my stories recommended by one reader to another, let alone mentioned in any "best of" categories. Being nominated for any award is an honor in of itself.
- "Written in the Stars" has been nominated for The Lemonade Stand's "Fic of the Month" November, 2011. http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=OBNOHL_2a383f76
"Better Angels of Our Nature" has been nominated for The Lemonade Stand's "Fic of the Week" (1/17/2012) http://tehlemonadestand.blogspot.com/2012/01/meet-poll-what-we-read-in-tls-this-week.html
-"Written in the Stars" has been nominated for an Adonis Award (Best Use of Edward) http://shimmerawards.blogspot.com/p/nominees.html (contest cancelled)
-"Written in the Stars" won "Fic of the Week" at The Lemonade Stand: http://tehlemonadestand.blogspot.com/2011/11/tls-fics-of-week-reviews-are-up.html
-"Written in the Stars" has been named as one of the best fics of 2011 on Robmusement: http://robmusement.blogspot.com/2012/01/best-of-year-fanfictionmanips.html
"Written in the Stars" has been awarded Fic of the Month (December 2011) by TwiNotebook: http://twinotebook.blogspot.com/p/fics-of-month.html
-"The Selkie Wife" has gotten a beautiful review from Jo Kline on The Lemonade Stand: http://tehlemonadestand.blogspot.com/2012/03/tls-fics-of-week-227-342011-late-post.html
- "Written in the Stars" won the "Dreamer's Award" in the iSparkle Awards: http://theisparkleawards.moonfruit.com/#/nominees/4562312492
"Some Say in Ice" won the People's Choice Award, Judge's Choice Award and the Big Bang Award in the TilTheWorldEnds Contest (banners here): http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.172130576239977.35233.100003291083440&type=3&l=374be8aa76
"The Better Angels of our Nature" won third place in the "Best Edward" category: http://twilighteclipseawards.blogspot.com/p/winners.html
"Compulsion" won the Best Angst category in the Wordsmith (non-canon) Awards:http://wordsmithawards.blogspot.com/p/winners.html
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