
Written in the Stars Fic of the Week and The Selkie Wife Fic of the Week 

Written in the Stars Fanfiction of the Year, 2011

I'm still thrilled whenever I see one of my stories recommended by one reader to another, let alone mentioned in any "best of" categories. Being nominated for any award is an honor in of itself.

"Written in the Stars" has been nominated for The Lemonade Stand's "Fic of the Month" November, 2011.

"Better Angels of Our Nature" has been nominated for The Lemonade Stand's "Fic of the Week" (1/17/2012)

-"Written in the Stars" has been nominated for an Adonis Award (Best Use of Edward) (contest cancelled)

-"Written in the Stars" won "Fic of the Week" at The Lemonade Stand:

-"Written in the Stars" has been named as one of the best fics of 2011 on Robmusement:

"Written in the Stars" has been awarded Fic of the Month (December 2011) by TwiNotebook:

-"The Selkie Wife" has gotten a beautiful review from Jo Kline on The Lemonade Stand:

- "Written in the Stars" won the "Dreamer's Award" in the iSparkle Awards:

"Some Say in Ice" won the People's Choice Award, Judge's Choice Award and the Big Bang Award in the TilTheWorldEnds Contest (banners here):

"The Better Angels of our Nature" won third place in the "Best Edward" category:

"Compulsion" won the Best Angst category in the Wordsmith (non-canon) Awards:

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