
I'm so amazed and flattered that these people are willing to do so much work to bring my story to readers in other countries.There can be no greater compliment.

I use Google Translate to go in and read the reviews, and chapters of the story itself. It's always interesting to see how idioms and expressions will be translated in other languages.

Without further ado, the links to the translations ...

Written in the Stars is currently being translated into Spanish.

There is also a Russian translation, and that site also made a banner for it:

The French translator of Written in the Stars also intends to translate The Selkie Wife and The Better Angels of our Nature.

The German translation of Written in the Stars is complete.
Download in EPUB, MOBI and PDF.

The Portuguese translation of Written in the Stars is complete. 
Download in DOC and PDF

The Italian translation is a work-in-progress.


The Better Angels of Our Nature is being translated into Spanish and they made a BEAUTIFUL banner for it!

Spanish translation in PDF.

I Hope You Dance is being translated into Russian.

The Selkie Wife Spanish PDF.

The Selkie Wife in Russian.

Incredible video trailer for The Selkie Wife made by miamor416  of the Twilight Russia forum:


Dark Goddess translated into Russian.

Dark Goddess translated into Spanish in Doc and PDF formats.

Dark Goddess video made by Twilight Russia:


Most of these translations are currently works-in-progress. When they are finished, I'll add links here and on the"Download Stories" page.


  1. Dear Lissa, none of your stories is available in French.

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for letting me know. I've contacted the translator to ask why they've been taken down.

