Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Favorite Kind of Reviews

It seems that a lot of authors put heavy emphasis on their review counts, to the point of even sometimes blackmailing their readers by refusing to post the next chapter until they get an acceptable number of them.

I've always seen reviews sort of like a tip jar. If someone drops in a "quarter" with a smile face or a "Great chapter!", it's a little kindness much appreciated. Sometimes, people drop in a "dollar" with a line or two about what they liked the most about the story. And once in a while, people drop in a "fiver" by critically analyzing the story. As I see it, I'm already getting "paid" by having my story out there for people to read. Reviews are just a nice little pat on the back.

If I'd been in FF just for the reviews, I would have been crushed. My first effort, Compulsion, got a whopping 45 reviews. (I still think it's a good little story, even if it is a bit rough around the edges. I've thought of re-editing it, but I think I'll let it stand, just as it is, as a way to remind me of the ways I've grown as a writer.)

Then, to my surprise (and I'm still a little surprised about it), my story Written in the Stars took off. It was a story I was hesitant to try because it was so different than anything else out there. Sci-Fi Twilight fanfictions are few and far between, and none of them had aliens quite like I envisioned the Volturi in my story. I kept hearing the mom from Carrie: 

I thought I'd never be able to show my avatar again. I'd have to change my name and go into the Fanfiction Witness Protection Program. And to have it take off like that? Yeah, I was like:

I got such lovely reviews for my stories, and these were a few of my favorite kind:

  • "I was so enthralled that I couldn't stop to review." I mean, how flattering is that? The reader was so engrossed that they couldn't tear themselves away. That's more flattering than ten reviews.
  • "You made a mistake [here]." Thank you, sharp-eyed reviewer. I'm not perfect and occasionally, I'll screw the pooch on a detail that clashes with something later in the story. I'd rather know as soon as possible than go blithely on about my way, never noticing that I made a substantial error.
  • "I caught your reference to [esoteric pop culture]." I've left little "Easter eggs" here and there in my stories, nods to some of my favorite authors, movies, TV shows, music, and even fanfiction (no one ever caught the Thomas Tallis reference in The Selkie Wife. Color me bummed.)
  • "I wasn't expecting [that plot point]." Good. I hate to be clichéd. Janet Fitch, author of White Oleander was once on the Oprah show. She said something I've never forgotten: "A cliché is anything you've ever heard." Now, obviously, no one is ever truly original when writing, but we can avoid the expected turns, the tired memes.

But whatever you say, thanks for the "tip."


  1. I never know what to say. I can never do the critique thing and I usually forget my favorite lines u tip after I've hit the "submit review" button. =\

    It's always nice to know what a writer thinks about feedback. Sometimes staring at that blank box and trying to come up with more than a :) is too much because there are no words.

    1. Even a smiley face is nice, in my opinion. You're taking time to show the author your appreciation. It's something you don't HAVE to do; you're doing it because you're nice or because the story spoke to you in some way.

      Before I was in the FF world, I used to shop heavily on (If their stock price has slipped since October, yeah, that'd be my fault. Profits took a plunge after I started writing instead of reading.) I rarely reviewed. When you read two or three books per day, you're too busy reading to review, and unfortunately, books sometimes blend together if they're not uniquely interesting. If I reviewed, it was because a book really stood out to me, for good or for bad. I hesitated to write bad reviews because I didn't want to hurt someone's feelings. (And I know that pain intimately, now.) If I wrote a bad review it was because I found particular faults with the story/plot/writing that I thought other buyers should be aware of.

      I still hold some of that mindset, and it feels like if a reviewer took their time to leave a review, even just a "quarter" in the tip jar, it says my story MEANT something to them. And I'm touched by that.

    2. Tip jar is very accurate. I feel like if I don't say something, I'm not thanking for your hard work! and the obviously nerve-wracking experience of hitting that "post" button. (or whatever it is - I have no idea, since I don't write!) I want to express some form of thanks, but always feel lacking when I read someone else's insightful critique on the wheres and whys of this or that bit.

      Feedback on Amazon?! Forgeddaboutit! Way too intimidating. That's even with authors I "know" from their writing in FF before being published. (kinda like you!)

      Dark Goddess is the Bomb, btw. I'm enjoying it ever so much. Thank you for sharing it with us. :)

  2. Very rarely do I leave a wordy review. Im just not a wordy gal. Actually I only ever leave a review once maybe twice for a story. Silverwings hit the nail on the head for me. That white box can be intimidating when your not talented with words. And so many authors get so swoony (and rightly so, it's exciting!) Over long or even reviews. Lol the pressure is just to much. :) so I lurk most of the time. Sometimes adding a "Thanks for sharing!" Unless its a subject I'm passionate about (lol birth mostly). Anyway I'm glad your Ok with my lurky'ness lol. Thanks for taking the pressure off. :) ~IyLuMarie

    1. My goal in writing these stories was to put them out so that people could read them. I can see from my numbers that a whole lot more people than I ever expected actually do read them, so, yeah, mission accomplished there.

      The reviews are just icing on top of that cake.
